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Frequently Asked Questions

What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
Free 30-minute consultation.
Plus, get our introductory offer of $15.00 with your first-time signup.
What education and/or experience do you have that relates to your work?
I have over 30 years of experience in the financial industry, providing accurate accounting and bookkeeping services while implementing procedures to enhance efficiency.
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
We offer a highly personalized bookkeeping and customized payroll service plan that guarantees complete financial control to small business owners and individuals. With our service, financial management is simple, automatic, and reliable. Our financial reporting is precise and accurate, providing invaluable insights into your business that can help you make informed decisions and run a successful business.

To ensure the security and accuracy of your work, we follow a strict set of procedures, including authorization, client review, and sign-off on work, client signing statement after reconciliation, client signing off on month-end compilation, and reviewing and sending a copy of month-end reports to the client. As a business owner or individual, you will have complete control of your bookkeeping. Our financial reporting will provide you with a comprehensive financial overview of your business, allowing you to make smarter decisions in managing your business.

We also offer professional tax preparation services to small businesses, self-employed individuals, and individuals, with a strong focus on accuracy and efficiency in compliance with applicable tax

For Questions or to Schedule an Consultation Book an Appointment Now!