About Us

We Are a Team of Professionals

Male Accountant and Client Shaking Hands in Office

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower small businesses and individuals with reliable, accurate, and efficient financial management solutions. In a world where time is a precious commodity and financial health is the backbone of every successful venture, our services are designed to give you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on what you do best – running your business.

Our Story

Founded on the principles of integrity, dedication, and a passion for helping others, Tomi’s Bookkeeping Service has grown from a modest start-up into a trusted partner for small businesses across the nation. Our founder, a seasoned veteran in the financial industry, witnessed first-hand the challenges small businesses encounter with bookkeeping and tax preparation. This inspired the creation of a service that not only solves these challenges but also supports the growth and sustainability of small enterprises.

Male Accountant and Client Shaking Hands in Office

What We Offer

At Tomi’s Bookkeeping Service, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to fit the unique needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs. Our offerings encompass everything from automated bookkeeping to meticulous payroll services, and precise tax filings. Our goal is to streamline your financial processes, ensuring that every dollar is accounted for, taxes are filed accurately and on time, and that you have the clear financial insights needed to make strategic business decisions.


We help LLCs, Partnerships, S-corp, and C-corp create customized bookkeeping/payroll plans and maximize their profitability.


Hey, Sole Proprietors’ bookkeeping or payroll doesn’t have to be confusing! Our objective is to record your transactions and prepare monthly income and expense reports.

Why Choose Us?

Customized Approach

We believe that each business has its own set of challenges and needs. That’s why we offer services tailored to fit your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive the support that’s right for you.

Expertise You Can Trust

Our team is comprised of highly skilled professionals who are not only experts in their field but are also dedicated to providing the highest level of service.

Technology-driven Solutions

Leveraging the latest technology, we offer automated solutions that save time, reduce errors, and provide you with real-time insights into your financial status.

Unwavering Support

We see ourselves as more than just a service provider; we are your partner in business success. Our team is always here to provide guidance, answer questions, and help you navigate the complex world of finance.